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Thanks for visiting my site. Hopefully you can learn more about my work experience at Marquette University, The D.A. Show on CBS Sports Radio, my self-produced shows Games & Grub and Milwaukee Coffee: Reimagine Brew City, and much more through these pages. Feel free to contact me with any inquiries or questions!

First, A Little About Me...

As a recent graduate of Marquette University majoring in Business Economics and minoring in Digital Media, I embrace learning every day. I welcome new opportunities and am open to change. I try to live life with faith and an optimistic attitude, while making a positive effect on everyone I meet.

I am very grateful to have worked as a producer for "The D.A. Show" on CBS Sports Radio, heard on over 100 affiliates across North America every morning, working for host Damon Amendolara on show research, booking, and social media. My sports media experience also extends to the Marquette Wire, where I worked both creating Marquette Radio's "Games & Grub" and being a member of the Wire's Sports Desk. My digital media diversity extends to video as well, producing visuals for the YNK: You Know What I Mean? podcast, hosted by the platinum recording artist known as "mike."

I am also blessed to have worked as the Digital Marketing & Content Director for A & G Industrial Services, Inc., located in Plymouth, MA. My experiences with The D.A. Show, A & G, YNK, and the Marquette Wire have given me a great deal of insight into the media environment and how to increase digital presence, for a business, media entity, and a personal brand.

I have also gained valuable interpersonal skills through my positions as a Tour Guide and a Student Alumni Ambassador at Marquette, and through five previous summers caddying at the Wianno Club. Through the opportunity at Wianno, I was awarded the prestigious Francis Ouimet Scholarship. Established in 1949, the Ouimet Fund is known as "The Golf Charity of Massachusetts," and Ouimet scholars all across the Commonwealth are known for their dedication to outstanding work in the golf industry.

I am looking forward to whatever challenges life may give me, and taking them on with a positive attitude!



(508) 364-3555



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